1. Thanks for what I do today.
I thank to I alive.
I thank to I walking
I thank that today weather is very good.
I thank that I go anywhere
I thank that I have a lot of time.
I thank that I use my time freely.
2. The list of what I did today.
I do not want to study
but I did study English.
and I do not study Korean history.
I will study Korean history tomorrow.
3. my account of what I have paid today.
I paid 5000 won for snacks, drinks, meal
I paid 2800 won for transportation.
I paid 40000 won for English study books.
4. What I felt today
I looked terrible today
I don't know what to do today.
I called her and then I was talking with her for one hour.
I was worried about that conversation.
I ended up listening to the secret story.
I was sad. I wanted to finish this call.
but I couldn't. I am very sorry to them.
they do not know the conversation.
I do not agree with the conversation.
I said "I do not agree" but she does not listen to me.
I am terrible.