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220410 I wrote today's diary early. Today I wrote my blog. But I didn't write a resume. Ah. I didn't do anything. I should study, but I couldn't I don't want to do anything I just want to be rich. 2022. 4. 10.
220410. all-day playing My mom is funny. if I went to play, she said when do you study? soon she said "let's play with me" I said, "today I study!" she said she knew and talked me to play. Mom never asks me when I study. I play my friend about once for three months I play my Mom about once for one week. 2022. 4. 10.
잡담 내 영어 실력은 ㅠㅠㅠ 현재 내 CEFR 은 B1 하위 레벨.. Lexile 지수도 검사했는데 내 렉서스 지수로는 776정도가 나왔다 개인적으로는 grade 4에는 미치지 못하고 grade 3보다는 좋은 정도였다 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 영어 정말 잘하고 싶다 인터넷에서 지수 검사하는 방법이 적혀 있어서 그대로 했는데..(단어로 측정하는 방법이었다) (단어를 많이 알면 지수가 높이 나오기 때문에 맹신할 순 없으나 과거 영어 원서를 읽을 때 적혀 있던 레벨과 비교해봤을때 내겐 얼추 맞아떨어졌따) 내 수준 눈물난다. 힘내자 B2로 올라가자 힘내자 grade 6으로 올라가자 2022. 1. 5.
210927 210927 1. Thanks for what I do today. I slept a long time so I am very clear 2. The list of what I did today. I slept I watched the TV program I listened to the radio news 3. my account of what I have paid today. Nothing 4. What I felt today I hurry up about study. but I am very happy because I did not sleep for this weekend. so I was terrible. today I slept a long time I am very happy and I wat.. 2021. 9. 27.
210924 210924 1. Thanks for what I do today. I thank to I alive. I thank to I walking I thank that today weather is very good. I thank that I go anywhere I thank that I have a lot of time. I thank that I use my time freely. 2. The list of what I did today. I do not want to study but I did study English. and I do not study Korean history. I will study Korean history tomorrow. 3. my account of what I hav.. 2021. 9. 25.
210922 210922 1. Thanks for what I do today. I decided to study yesterday. and I do it I clean home with my mother I cooked about Jeon, with my mother I was happy that I helped my mother. so I do work I am very happy. 2. The list of what I did today. I cooked JUN I cleaned home I help my mother I help my father and I do my plan. now I've started listening to English movies 3. my account of what I have .. 2021. 9. 22.
210830 um today I envy my friends I know she is trying hard I also will do like her I also will do anything fighting! 2021. 8. 30.
210827 I think I can do that so I do that now I want to do it so I start it 2021. 8. 27.
210826. I must read the book about English today before I sleep I read the book I can do it 2021. 8. 26.